Stacia and Goliath

Stacia and Goliath
taken Jan 2010 age 27.5 months

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stacia's adventures lately

As I write this Stacia is just about crashed out on the living room floor. It's only 7:45 and she does not go to bed until between 8:30 and 9.  Of course she has been a very busy girl lately. Last night she spilled milk on the floor-2 individual bottles full of milk right in front of the fridge. Thankfully she didn't spill the full gallon. Today her activities included painting where she wasn't supposed to paint. On the wall and Bridget's derby car.
Bridget had left the paint out so that when one layer was dry she could do another layer on some of the detailing she is doing on her car. Bridget and I have been working on getting the wrong color paint sanded off her car with a hand sander. At least now it's back to smooth. After Stacia goes to bed. Actually in her bed not on the floor tonight Bridget and I are going to work on repainting her base color and the other colors as well.
The girls both have 10 days to get their cars completed and we have to repaint Bridget's and get her wheels and axels done. Stacia's car is still needing some detail carving done. She pointed to a picture of what she wanted and Larry helped her draw it out and than he cut out her car. As he did with Bridget's as well. For safety reasons the kids can not use the power tools. Once Larry gets the detail carving done on Stacia's car than we still have to sand and paint and get her wheels done. We also have to get weights in both cars after we get stuff done so that they don't weight more than 5 oz.
The girls will race at the local race on February 24 and than onto state if they place high enough which we are confident that at least 1 of them will place at the local race.
We will drive to Helena on March 1 and come home on March 2 staying overnight in a motel there. I have been pricing out motels using my AAA membership. We do have to option of staying at the church where the race will be held and sleeping on the floor for $5 each that night. I just don't see me being able to get up off the floor in the morning and Stacia is not going to handle staying in a room with a bunch of strangers. Staying in a motel is going to be hard enough for her as she does not do well staying any where but in her own bed in her own room.

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